
Revisiting the Origin of, and Reflections on the Future of, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Jon R. Star, Professor of Education,Harvard Graduate School of Education, (Online-)Vortrag

Datum: 02.05.24
Ort:Zoom und Z-Gebäude, Raum Z 042


More than 35 years have passed since Lee S. Shulman introduced the term «Pedagogical Content Knowledge» (PCK) to the field of teacher education. As is the case with any new construct in a field, Shulman’s advocacy for PCK in the mid-1980s was almost certainly a reaction to the priorities of the field at that time. A primary goal of this talk is to refresh our collective memories of the origins of and development of PCK as a research domain, with a particular focus on what may have prompted scholars such as Shulman to propose the construct of PCK in 1986. With this historical lens as background, I also seek to consider what might be fruitful future directions in the field’s thinking about teaching and teacher knowledge.


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